Friday, December 6, 2013

Role of HRDs in Democratic Movements and Protection of Human Rights in Nepal:

Subodh Raj Pyakurel,
Chairperson, INSEC.     Coordinator, CCCE

During autocratic regime 1961-1990 human rights was a neglected and restricted factor. That was an era of King's direct rule where monarchy was above constitution and the system was called Party less Panchayat. During that period Nepal signed very few international instruments; Anti-slavery Convention, 1961, Convention on all forms of Racial Discrimination, 1966, CRC and Geneva Convention. But the global awareness could not leave Nepal untouched. Hence in 1984 and 1988 two Human Rights Organizations were formed named (FOPHUR) Forum for Protection of Human Rights and (HURON) Human Rights Organization of Nepal. During that period political parties were active in movements to restore democracy forcefully banned by the king in 1961 and human rights advocates were advocating for establishment of democracy based on the principles of Human Rights, Rule of Law. Obviously we experienced close association between democratic forces and human rights defenders during the period (1984 – 1990). This association brought the result. Immediately after restoration of democracy and promulgation of multiparty democracy in 1990 due to peaceful movement HRD were able to influence the interim government to ratify major HR instruments including ICCPR, Op. ICCPR, CAT, ICESCR and CEDAW.  Till now Nepal is party to 22 international human rights treaties.
In 1996 the Maoist party launched violent war against the multiparty system and state which lasted till 2006. That was an era of Chaos, Violence, Threat and all forms of atrocities against the people. HRD were engaged in saving precious lives, documenting the cases of human rights violations, appealing both parties to refrain from derogating human rights and humanitarian law. After King's takeover in 2005 the underground Maoist and agitating democratic parties joined for restoring Multi-Party democracy which resulted reestablishing dissolved parliament and abolishment of Monarchy declaring Nepal a federal and secular state. During the second transitional period human rights community was able to influence the restored parliament to commit accession to ICC (International Criminal Court) through directive to the government to begin the process. When the comprehensive peace agreement was signed between Maoist party and other democratic parties in 2007 human rights defenders role was focused towards justice to the victim of conflict, preservance to rule of law and fulfillment of human rights law obligation.
After 1990 human rights organization delved in monitoring nation's human rights obligation through (HRTMCC) Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Coordination Committee and in 2011 during the first examination of UPR it was NCUPR (National Coalition for UPR). Likewise NCICC (national Coalition for ICC) is also active to advocate for the accession of ICC statute. According to UPR counter report presented by the HR NGOs in 2011 there are 3 main challenges; Impunity, Discrimination and Rule of Law.
Due to their firm stand for Justice and against Impunity HR Defenders have been alleged and attacked several times. Media persons and HRD are time and again alleged as Foreign Agents, Opponents of Peace and Enemy of Maoist party who wanted to bring (TRC) Truth and Reconciliation as an instrument to grant blanket immunity to the perpetrators. They even made public appeal through their mouth peace to the people to punish us (HRD & Scribes).
The first (CA) Constituent Assembly election was held in 2008 but that was dissolved with failure to promulgate constitution due to political rift. In 2013 November, 19th second election for the CA was held. During the CA election HRD and Civil Society groups formed a coalition called CCCE (Citizens' Campaign for Clean Election) with a motive to support and encourage voters to cast vote to the right person. The mission focused on rule of law, human rights and democracy as a peaceful means to build and develop our nation towards social justice. 368 local FM stations and internet communication including social media were mobilized and included as partners to this mission. It was conducted like Public Vetting of the Candidates at the grass roots. And the election resulted to get positive message where mostly youths, new faces committed to the value of democracy have won the election.
We are committed and convince that:
Democracy should be adopted as a means for the attainment of political mission of our nation in peaceful and participatory manner.
Human Rights should be internalized as a philosophy to adhere to the principle of affirmative action in all walks of life.
Rule of Law should be applied without any compromise to build our citizenry a civilized, modern and inclusive society.
Being partner to all democratic movement and process we, the HRD of Nepal claim and enjoy social respect and recognition. Our activities are evolutionary from rural to the urban and at the national political level to intervene on behalf of the people. Civil society organizations are active and deep rooted.
Next plan is to organize CCCC (Citizen's Campaign for Clean Constitution). That will be nationwide mission to attain our vision, and collective action of all Civil Society, Media, Civil Rights activists and HRD's.
Presented at:
Speak Truth to Power, Expert meeting.
Organized by:
Justitia Pax, the Netherlands (The Hague).

9th to 11th December, 2013.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

न्यायको माग लीई ४३ देखि अनसनरत नन्द प्र. गंगामयाको समर्थनमा द्वीप प्रज्वलन:

स्थान: बीर अस्पताल: समय साँझ- ५ बजे: कृपया मैनबत्ती सहित आउनु होला:
०७० भदौ २२ गते नन्दप्रसाद/गंगामायाले अनसन तोड्नु अघि नेपाल सरकारका मंत्री परिषद अध्यक्ष , मन्त्रीहरु , उच्च पदस्थ नेताहरु (सुशील कोइराला, झलनाथ खनाल,माधवकुमार नेपाल, खड्ग ओली ) लगायत अरु थुप्रैले उहाँहरुको न्यायको मागलाई समर्थन गर्नु भएको थियो. ०७० साउन ७गते  देखि जारी आमरण अनसनलाई यिनै आश्वासनको भर परेर उहाँ हरुले ४७ औं दिन तोड्नु भएको थियो. त्यसबेलामा मंत्री परिषदका सचिव श्री कृष्णहरि वास्कोटा द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित पत्रमा समेत उहाँहरुका कान्छा छोराका हत्यारा हरुलाई कानुनको दायरामा ल्याइने, स्वास्थ्य उपचार गर्ने, हाल सम्मको क्षतिपुर्ति दिने  र आवस्यक सुरक्षा प्रवन्ध गर्ने  कुरा उल्लेखित छ. तर नेपाल सरकार र प्रहरीले ०६१ सालमा एस एल सी परिक्षा सकेर चितवनमा आफ्ना हजुर आमा, हजुर बुवालाई भेट्न भनि आएका १८ बर्षिय कृष्ण प्रसाद अधिकारीलाई दुर्दान्त यातना सहित हत्या गर्ने हरुलाई कानुनको दायरामा ल्याउन सकेको छैन. उक्त हत्यालाई राजनीतिक कार्य भएकोले उन्मुक्ति पाउनु पर्छ भनेर एमओवादिका नेताहरु पुष्पकमल दाहाल र बाबुराम भट्टराईले प्रेस सम्मेलन मार्फत दावा गर्नु भएको थियो.
न्यायको खोजीमा सरकारको नितान्त बेवास्ता र एमओवादीको खुल्ला दवाबका सामु सुरक्षा र न्यायिक प्रकृया संग सम्बन्धित निकाय हरुको निरीहता भोगेपछि पीडित आमा बुवा हरु कार्तिक ७ गते देखि फेरी आमरण अनसन बस्न बाध्य हुनु भएको कुरा सर्व बिदितै छ. आज उहाँहरुको अनसनको ४३ औं दिन हो.
निर्दोष किशोरको हत्या पार्टीको आदेशमा गरिएको हो भन्ने हरु निस्फिक्री घुमी रहेका छन्. मृतकका हजुर बुवा नातिको हत्या पछी त्यहि सन्तापले मरी सके. हजुर आमा पनि पीडाले ग्रस्त भएर इन्तु न चिन्तु हुनुहुन्छ. उनका दाजु नुर प्रसादको पारिवारिक जीवन भताभुंग भै सकेको छ. आतंकका कारण घर छोडेर बिस्थापित भएको यो परिवारको जीवन कहालीलाग्दो बनेको छ.
हामी न्यायको प्रतिवद्धता प्रकट गर्ने सरकार र पार्टीका नेताहरुलाई सोध्न चाहन्छौं कि उहाँहरुको दर्जा, नैतिकता र जवाफदेहिता अनुकुलको व्यवहार पीडितहरुले अनुभूत गर्न कहिले पाउनु हुने हो? मृत्यु पश्चात कि पहिल्ये? कि नेताहरुको पद र दर्जाको लागि सबै व्यवस्था नहुन्जेल साधारण नागरिकको जीवन यसैगरी सिद्धिनु पर्ने हो? नेपालमा कानुनको शासनको झिनो अवशेष बाँकी छ कि छैन भन्ने कुराको प्रमाण खोज्न हामी यहाँ भेला भएका हौँ. यो मौन तर प्रतिवद्ध नागरिक हरुको आवाज हो. हामी चाहन्छौं यो आवाज़को तुरुन्त सुनुवाई होस.
हेक्का रहोस, नागरिकको इज्जत र जीवनको सुरक्षा गर्न नसक्ने सरकार र नेता हामीलाई चाहिन्न. हामीले फेरी धिक्कार भन्न नपरोस.

सचेत नागरिकको आवाज. (०७० मंसीर २०, बीर अस्पताल).

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Six P FORMULA: of Crime Prevention Plan: Kiran Bedi, Former IPS Officer, Indian Police

Presented by Kiran Bedi, Former IPS Officer, Indian Police, during Expert Round Table on Violence and Organized Crime in the Terai Region and Kathmandu Valley, Organized by IDS, UK. Nov.26th 013.
There are Six partners/players:-
P: 01: People:
Citizen's group; Coordinates with People, Universities, Researchers and activists from different sections of society.
P: 02: Politicians: Learn from the people; first P; what kind of law and structures are needed. What more facilities are to be availed?
P: 03: Police: Focuses on crime-detection, prevention. Makes public its yearly crime prevention plan; Prepares in-house strategy to combat crime.
P: 04: Prosecution: Is Home ministry's prime and leading responsibility. It's very sensitive, otherwise could sabotage good works done by P 01 to 04. The role of Home/Interior is to Lead, facilitate and Coordinate actors involved in crime prevention.
P: 05: Prison: Reform in prison is vital which begins with humane relations and motivational support to the prisoners. They should be allowed to utilize their skills and knowledge and bring them closer with society.
Working module with prison incorporates 3 Cs; Collective – Corrective – and Community based. NGOs, Civil Society involved in social reform and services should join together. This effort begins with identifying the quality and capacity of the prisoners first. Education, health and skills oriented expertize from within the prisoners and outside prison will be happy to collaborate. And there are visible experiences that such activities can be performed like NON- MONEY- INVESTMENT formula. Kinds, knowledge and attitudes bring the result with NO or LITTLE investment.
P: 06: Press/Media/Dissemination: There should be an adjoined strategy to involve disseminators; Media, Social Researchers, Religious Preachers, Principles of surrounding educational institutions and other professional groups. 
Stale holders of P6 conduct meeting on fixed interval, say quarterly. That meeting will be a platform to exchange experience and find possibilities; respect contributions and refine initiations.
Each P needs Data Collection, Analysis of interrelationship between 6P activity and outcome, and structured preparation of planning- monitoring and advocacy.

All stakeholders and partners to success.

Violence and Organized crime in the Terai region and Kathmandu

IDS (Institute of Development Studies):
Expert Round-Table on  Violence and Organized crime in the Terai region and KathmanduValley:
Himalaya Hotel:  Kathmandu, 26th November, 2013.
During conflict 1996 – 2006, Notice and formal record of organized crime in rural area of Nepal was rare factor. That was an era of Terror, crime and injustice:
Maoist used to punish petty criminals including gamblers, money lenders and polygamy.
State was more focused on suppressing violent activities of Maoist.
Most of the crimes went unattended by the state which was recorded as violation of peoples' right to justice in human rights documentation.
Structural violence and war crimes which accounts for crime against humanity done by Maoist were not properly recorded. The crime done by the state security forces and armed militia went unrestricted.
Extortion was rampant act by Maoist and their supporters. Rape was regular strategy of security forces to repress and terrorize public mass besides indiscriminate killing, torture and disappearance. Even Maoists were indulged in Rape, forceful recruitment in their Army and heinous killing besides other kinds of crime.
In those days, displaced persons came to Cities, Regional Head Quarters and the capital city Kathmandu. Mostly youths deserted from their place to avoid forceful recruitment by Maoist.
Kids became street children. Young girls were bound to work in Night Clubs which was a door to prostitution. Teen agers indulged in burglary. And some of youths, deserters from Maoist army and or Government security forces indulged in organized crime. 
           Peace process and thereafter: Lack of post conflict reparation plan:
After the peace process, civil society demanded for (DDR) Demobilization, Disarmament and Democratization of Maoist Red Army and (SSR) Security Sector Reforms in government forces possibly with integration of rebel army in Nepal Army.
Limited effort were invested and priority was given towards monetary rehabilitation, professional training and limited recruitment in the Nepal Army.
Though Maoist claimed 31 thousand rebel army the actual number was below 19 thousand. Out of which more than 4 thousand were minors.
The militia and general peoples from rural area were unaccounted, unnoticed.
Any provision for displaced persons' resettlement plan was not properly drawn and implemented.

Other factors Influencing Crime and criminal attitude:
Impact of conflict related displacement, lack of employment, destruction of infrastructures and hopeless political environment caused younger generations involvement in crime. 
Porous border and cultural bond between India and Nepal are like adjoining factor for criminal's hinterland. Notorious criminals fled from Bihar after Nitish Kumar's stern action against them. They misused provision of liberal citizenship drive run by Nepal Government under Madhesi leader's pressure according to which any one could get citizenship with three citizen's recommendation.
Recently we have noticed several criminal organizations operating from each other's soil between India and Nepal. This is the obvious outcome of Indian intelligence's involvement in politics rather than controlling the crime and respecting cultural friendship.
In recent years we have noticed 63% rises in domestic violence.
The reasons could be: Tremendous rise in complaining due to increased awareness.
Installation of Government's arrangement to record and redress the crime invited courage to complain. All area police offices have women police and at the central, regional and district police offices there are women's cell. PMO has women's special division and hotline. VDC have women's desk. And separate budget head for projects related with Women's Development. Awareness against violence against women has been prime focus of civil society, media and judiciary. On account of international law Nepal is party to international covenants.
Other pushing factor: Cultural and structural factors.
56% of household are sending family members for foreign employment in Middle East and South East Asian countries. Women are looked down by culture. Husbands go to foreign countries and wives become vulnerable.
Society still dominated by dogma. Gender discrimination is considered as natural and purely family matter dominated by masculine thought.
State structures related with Security, Medical investigation and protective measures including awareness through education and preventive strategies have lacking in knowledge and infrastructures. 

Political protection to the criminals.
Cultural dogma against women. Police and law enforcing agencies pressure for agreement under pressure from society.
Lack of opportunities to the unemployed youths.
Agriculture at the subsistence level whereas 65% of the population is based on agriculture.
Costly basic necessities, including health, education.
Youth's attraction towards lavish life due to internet, TV and media;  
InTerai 3 Ms, Money, Motorbike and Mobile.
Out of total abduction cases for ransom more than 70% cases are from Terai.
Crime rates are on high rise in Terai.
More than 70% cases of crime against women are from Terai.
Cases of discrimination against Dalit accounts for around 80% from Terai.
The aforesaid impact are seen in Kathmandu valley as hiding place for post crime, searching place for economic livelihood and center of political protection. Urban centers taking shape of Hinterlands of Crimes and Criminals.
There is lack of scientific documentation and monitoring of crime and criminal's record.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

विवेकशील जनताको अपेक्षा:

सुबोधराज प्याकुरेल, (स्वच्छ निर्वाचनका लागि नागरिक अभियानको यात्रा सन्दर्भमा)

हाम्रो देशमा हजार बाह्र सय बर्ष पुरानो बर पीपल र अरु रुखहरु छन् जसको जनताले पूजा गर्छन. ति रुखका जरा दह्रो संग गाडिएका र फैली रहेका हुन्छन. बटुवालाई छहारी, पाकालाई चौतारी र किसानलाई पशु आहार पनि दिन्छन ति रुखले. पूजा र धर्म-कर्म गर्नेलाई त रुख पवित्र केन्द्र नै हो. अहिले नेपाली कांग्रेसले सम्झिनु पर्छ, स्थिरता उसको पहिचान हो, दायीत्व हो र जिम्मेवारी हो. यो जिम्मेवारीलाई उसले प्रजातान्त्रिक समाजवादको बाटोमा उदारतापूर्वक अगाडी बढ्दा मात्र पुरा गर्न सक्छ. आफ्नो बिगत र सैद्धान्तिक टाट उल्टाई बाट नेपाली कांग्रेस मुक्त होस भन्ने चाहनाका साथ् जनताले उसलाई पत्याएका हुन.
एमालेले पाएको मत मदन भण्डारी र उहाँले प्रतिपादन गर्नु भएको जनताको बहुदलीय जनवादको सेवा लिने आतुरताको प्रकट  चाहना हो. धेरै ठाउँमा सामान्य जनताले मदनलाई यति सम्मानका साथ् सम्झी रहेका रहेछन कि म त भाव बिभोर भएँ. तिनको एक स्वर थियो, " बरा लाइ सुनियो, चित्त बुझाइयो तर उनले गरेको हेर्न पाइएन, अकालमै मारे ". लोकतान्त्रिक बिधि, कानुनको शासन र जनमत लिएर
सामाजिक न्यायका लागि जनताको गोरु बन्ने एमालेको चाहना साकार होस भन्ने उनीहरुको आशिर्वाद छ.

एमाओवादी अति उत्ताउलियो भन्ने जनताको ठहर छ. उनीहरु चाहन्छन उसका असल चिन्तनका लागि उसले असल व्यवहार, असल कार्यकर्ता-नेता र स्पष्ट नीति पनि ल्याउनु पर्छ. उनीहरुलाई अलमल छ, यो पार्टी नेताका लागि हो कि जनताका लागि. देश प्रति केहि नेताले द्रोह गरे र जातीय नारामा अरुलाई उरालेर सामान्य जनताको जीन्दगीलाइ विखण्डित पारे भन्ने ठुलो गुनासो छ उनीहरुको एमाओवादी प्रति. तर परि आउँदा जस्तो सुकै कठिनाइ मोल लिन सक्ने पार्टी एमाओवादी हो भन्ने उनीहरुको ठम्याई छ.

मधेस र जनजाती पार्टीका लाइ आम रुपमा पद को लोभ र आहारिसले खोलिएको जमात ठानिएको छ. कतिपय व्यक्ति पार्टीले इज्जत नदिएकोले पनि त्यता तिर लागेका छन् भन्ने ठानिएको छ. ठुला पार्टीले बुद्धि पुय्राउने हो भने यिनीहरु त्यतै लाग्छन भन्ठान्ने हरु प्रशस्तै छन्.

सबै पार्टीहरु बाट सैद्धान्तिक कुरा होस, स्वच्छताको व्यवहार होस भन्ने चाहन्छन आम नेपाली. पुराना पुस्तामा बी पी, पुष्पलाल र नया पुस्तामा मदन भण्डारी लोकप्रिय छन्. गगन थापा र बिकाशानन्द को क्रेज भएका तन्नेरी हरु शहर र शहर उन्मुख गाउँ हरुमा प्रशस्त पाइयो.
५६% घरका मानिसहरु बैदेशिक रोजगारीमा गएका ले होला, त्यस बिषयमा कुनै पार्टीको घोषणापत्र पनि सविस्तार भएन भन्ने ठुलो गुनासो छ. सरकारले गर्न नसकेको कुरा मध्ये सबभन्दा बढी गुनासो इन्टरनेट र फोन को दुर्दशालाइ लिएर छ. परदेश गएको खसम संग राम्ररी कुरा गर्न, भाइबर, स्काइपे मा साक्षात्कार गर्न नपाएकोमा बिशेषत: युवतीहरु आक्रोशित पनि छन्.
सुदुर पश्चिमान्चलका आम जनता बिकाश र एकताको उदाहरणका रुपमा आफ्नो क्षेत्र लाइ प्रमाणित गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने ठान्दछन. सुदुर पुर्व देखि सुदुर पश्चिम सम्म हरेक तिर आफ्नो भूगोल प्रति गौरव छ. उन्नतिको सम्भावना प्रतिको चेतना पनि छ. ज्ञान को भोक छ. राज्यले जानकारी र सहजीकरण मात्र गरि देओस, हामी हाम्रो बिकाश आफै गर्छौं भन्ने प्रतिवद्धता पनि छ. स्थानीय निकायको निर्वाचन झट्टै होस भन्ने उनीहरु चाहन्छन. अचम्भ के लग्यो भने संघीय राज्यका बारेमा आम जनताको उत्साह त्यति छैन.

सबैमा साझा चिन्ता छ र आक्रोश पनि छ कि नेताहरुमा चेतना, ज्ञान, बुद्धि र विवेकको कमि छ. सबै नेता आम जनता होइन कि आसे-पासे लाउकेको भर पर्ने गर्छन. ठुला नेता हरु त पार्टी भित्र वा बाहिर रहेका सबैको उत्तिकै हित चिन्त, निरन्जन हुनु पर्नेमा गुट का नाइके बन्छन र आफु र देशलाई ध्वस्त पार्छन.
कति विवेकशील छन् नेपाली जनता. के नेता त्यस्ता छन्? यस पटकको नेपाल यात्राको आंशिक चरणमा मलाइ यहि प्रश्नले लखेटी रह्यो, अझै लखेटी रहेको छ. भोली सम्ममा प्रत्यक्ष तर्फको परिणाम आइसक्ने छ. त्यसमार्फत केहि राहत पाउन सकूँ. सबैको जय होस.

Rejection of UCPN-Maoist's walk-out from vote-counting

21 November 2013, Thursday
Citizens' Statement

We hereby express our strong objection to the overnight move by the UPCN (Maoist) to walk out of the Constituent Assembly ballot-counting process, a full dozen hours after the exercise began. We welcome the commitment of the Election Commission and the Government of Nepal to continue with the process of ballot-counting and declaring winning candidates. We reject any and all demands being employed by the UCPN (Maoist) to obstruct the vote tallying process, including the call for 'negotiations', and ask for uninterrupted continuation of the electoral procedures.
We are all aware of the intense involvement of the committed Nepali electorate in the Constituent Assembly elections of 19 November. The UCPN (Maoist) leaders, including Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Vice-Chairman Baburam Bhattarai, have themselves publicly praised management of the elections and security arrangements.
We also note that the UCPN (Maoist) had taken the political lead in all developments related to these polls, from the establishment of the interim election government to defining the electoral regulations and process, up to the conclusion of the balloting-casting. We find the midnight statement released by the UCPN (Maoist) spokesperson as well as the views expressed by Chairman Dahal in the morning of 21 November to be wholly contradictory to the involvements of the party listed above.
At this critical hour, as a party which is supposed to have abandoned the use of violence in favour of peaceful politics, we demand that the UCPN (Maoist) accept the democratic process. We call on it to accept the people's verdict, take care that its actions not be an embarrassment before the world, return to participate in the ballot-counting process, and prove its commitment to democracy through its deeds.

     Amuda Shrestha                                                            Kanak Mani Dixit
Professor, 9851029859                                                     Journalist, 9851053209

     Chandrakishore                                                              Charan Prasain
Journalist, 9855025917                                  Chairperson, Human Rights Samyukta Manch

Subodh Raj Pyakurel
Coordinator, Citizen Campaign for Clean Election, 9851026841

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

स्वच्छ निर्वाचनकालागि नागरिक अभियान:किन?

पंचायतकालीन निर्वाचन देखि बहुदलकाल सम्म हरेक निर्वाचनमा नागरिक समाजले पर्यवेक्षण गरि आएको छ. निर्वाचनका क्रममा भएका धाँधलीका बारेमा सार्वजनिक गर्ने, उजुरी गर्ने गरि आएको छ. तर निर्वाचन आयोग र पर्यवेक्षण समूह बीच औपचारिक सम्बन्ध नहुने भएको हुँदा त्यस्ता जानकारीलाई आधार मानेर कुनै कारवाही भएको छैन.
निर्वाचन भनेको जनताको अपेक्षाहरुको अद्यावधिक जानकारी बटुल्ने, उनीहरुले चाहे अनुसारको आदर्श र व्यवहारलाई स्थापित गर्ने अवसर हो. तर निर्वाचन सम्बन्धि नियम बनाउंदैको अवस्थामा नेताहरुले आदर्श र नजिर भत्काउने काम गरेका हुँदा निराशा थपिएको अवस्था छ. एक प्रतिशतको थ्रेशहोल्ड पनि नमान्ने, तीस प्रतिशत सम्म उम्मेदवार उठाउने पार्टीले समावेशी उम्मेदवारी दिन नपर्ने, उम्मेदवारले सम्पत्ति घोषणा गर्न नपर्ने, आपराधिक मामिलाका अभियुक्त हरुले पनि उम्मेदवारी दिन पाउने आदि आजको जनमानसलाइ नपच्ने खालका प्रावधान राखेर निर्वाचन सम्पन्न गरिंदै छ.विघटित संबिधान सभाले स्वीकार गरेका बिषयमा समर्थन गरी बाँकि बिषयमा यथाशिघ्र सहमति गर्ने आश्वासनको प्रतिकुल हरेक जसो बिषयमा फरक फरक धारणा प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ.
भ्रमित र त्रस्त मतदाताले गरेको चुनावले असल परिणाम ल्याउन सक्दैन.जनताका आवश्यकता र अपेक्षाहरुको बारेमा सुसूचित, प्रतिवद्ध र त्यसको व्यवहारिक समाधान गर्न सक्ने उम्मेदवारहरुले जित्दा मात्र युग र चेतना सुहाउँदो संबिधान बन्न सक्छ. यति बेला मतदाता परिक्षक बनेका छन्. परिक्षकमा परिक्षण गर्ने क्षमता हुनु अनिवार्य छ. लोभ, भ्रम, आश र त्राशमा परेका मतदाताले सहि निर्णय गर्न सक्दैनन्.
उम्मेदवारहरु सबैनै हाम्रालागि अगुवा हुन.उनीहरुको व्यवहार प्रेरणादायी, उदाहरणीय र भरोसा गर्न लायक हुनुपर्छ.मतदाताले उम्मेदवार छान्नु अघि  जनताको प्रत्यक्ष सरोकार संग सम्बन्धित बिषयमा, उम्मेदवारको नीजि आचरणका बारेमा, लोकतन्त्रको मर्यादा, अर्काको इज्जत सम्मान गर्ने,  कानुनको शासन र मानव अधिकारको परिपालन गर्ने सवालमा ति उम्मेदवारले बिगतमा कस्तो व्यवहार गरेका थिए, अहिले के भन्दै छन् र के गर्दै छन् भन्ने बिषयमा राम्ररी कसी नलगाईकन भोट हाल्दा फेरी नेपाली जनता भ्रमको पासोमा पर्न सक्छन. जनता राष्ट्रिय एकता, आर्थिक बिकाश र जनजीविकाका सवालमा बढी चिन्तित छन्. जनताका सरोकारका बिषयमा प्रष्ट हुने प्रयत्न गर्नु भनेको हाम्रा नीति निर्माताहरुलाई प्रष्टताका साथ् भविष्यको रेखांकन गर्न सघाउनु पनि हो.
उम्मेदवारहरु संग संगै छलफल गर्नु, सार्वजनिक रुपमा प्रष्ट पार्ने अवसर उनीहरुलाई दिनु र एकतावद्ध भएर जनता र राष्ट्रको इज्जत, स्वतन्त्रता, एकता  र स्वामित्वको सम्वर्धन गर्नु अहिले निर्वाचनको संघारमा हामी सबैको कर्तब्य हो. यो ठिक बेला हो. अहिले जनताको इजलासमा उम्मेदवारहरु खडा छन्.
देश भरि रहेका सञ्चार माध्यम, इन्टरनेट, सामाजिक सञ्जालको प्रशस्त प्रयोग गरेर यो काम लाइ सहयोग गर्न सकिन्छ. संसारका धेरै देशहरुमा यस्तो भएको छ. कस्तालाई भोट दिने र कस्तालाई नदिने भन्ने कुरा जनतालाई थाहा छ. उनीहरुले थाहा पाएको बिषयमा आत्म बिश्वास थप्नु जरुरि छ. अबको युग ढाँट बाट नचल्ने युग हो. पौने तीन करोडको आवादीमा डेढ करोडले फोन, मोबाइल प्रयोग गरिरहेका छन्. पचास लाख भन्दा बढी इन्टरनेट र सामाजिक सञ्जालको प्रयोग गर्छन. बिदेशमा रोजगार चालीस लाख तन्नेरीहरू देशका आफन्तसंग निरन्तर सम्पर्कमा छन्. बिज्ञहरुको ठुलो जमात तयार भै सकेको अवस्था छ.
योजना, अपेक्षा र चेतनाका बीचमा समायोजन गर्न सकियो भने मात्र खराब प्रवृति भएका ढटुवा हरुलाई पाखा लगाउन सकिनेछ. चुनाव पुर्व जनताले आफ्नो चेतना र अपेक्षाका साथ् नेताहरुले प्रवृति र व्यवहारका मामिलामा चुकेका र सुधार गर्नु पर्ने बिषयमा खुलस्त प्रकट गर्न सके भने मात्र निर्वाचनमा धाँधली गर्ने देखि जनतालाई भ्रममा पर्ने दुर्नियत रोकिन सक्छ. त्यसले मात्र निर्वाचन स्वच्छ हुने अनि  त्यस्तो निर्वाचनको परिणामले मात्र असल संबिधान बन्न सक्ने कुराको ग्यारेन्टी गर्न सक्छ.
यो स्वस्फुर्त अभियान भएको ले सबैलाई आ-आफ्नो ठाउंबाट यस्तो अभियान संचालन गर्नु हुन हामी सार्वजनिक अपील गर्दछौं. बिभिन्न जिल्लाहरुमा यो अभियानले गति लिन थालीसकेको छ. रेडियो, छापा र सामाजिक सञ्जालमा यसको लोकप्रियता बढ्दै छ.
आउनुहोस हातेमालो गरौँ.
स्वच्छ निर्वाचनकालागि नागरिक अभियान.
फोन:............    ...................    ................
इन्सेक, केन्द्रीय कार्यालय, कलंकी. फोन: ४२७८ ७७० , फ्याक्स: ४२७० ५५१

हरेक जिल्लामा रहेका इन्सेकका प्रतिनिधिहरु तथा क्षेत्रिय कार्यालय: पोखरा, नेपालगंज, धनगढ़ी बिराटनगर,काठमाडौँ.